Doing Things Differently

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Be The 5: Prince Harry

Each month, we feature someone who has inspired us with their high level of Emotional Maturity, meaning they're “being the 5” and choosing not to take things personally, responding reactively or approaching the situation in a way that contributes to the problem.

Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex, image courtesy of Wikipedia.

Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex, image courtesy of Wikipedia.

This month, we would like to highlight Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex, and a member of the British royal family. As the second son of Princess Diana and Prince Charles, Prince Harry is currently sixth in the line of succession to the British throne. Prince Harry is known for his honorable military service, humanitarian service, and partnership with his wife, an American member of the British royal family, Meghan Markle. In January 2020, Harry and Meghan declared their intention to resign as working members of the British royal family in what became publicly known as “Megxit”. In Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s CBS interview with Oprah the two bravely discuss touching subjects such as their courtship, familial tensions, racism, and mental health issues. In this interview, Prince Harry bravely discusses how therapy was needed for his emotional healing and displays the courage and strength it took for him to step down from his royal duties to support his family. Below are the most memorable takeaways from the Duke and Duchess of Sussex CBS interview:


Prince Harry’s decision to move from the UK to California to raise his family is the true meaning of being authentic and empowered. In the interview with Oprah, he discusses how he and Meghan were desperate to leave as they were constantly asking the royal family for help and they didn't get it. Prince Harry noted that he needed a breath from the constant barrage. He asked the system he was raised in and trusted to receive help but to be told ''this is just how it is'' was the biggest turning point in realizing he had to step down. "Lack of support and lack of understanding" was the simplest reason they left, he said. Harry said he had to do something for his family and their mental health. This decision was not easy, especially with the media’s biased opinions and judgemental rhetoric, but nonetheless, Harry allowed himself to be vulnerable and brave. He stepped out of his royal bubble to make sure not only him but his wife and kid would have a comfortable and safe life to live, the definition of a true LovEd man!


No matter who you are in the family, no matter what’s going on in your personal life, no matter what’s just happened, if the bikes roll up and the car rolls up, you’ve got to get dressed, you’ve got to get in there, wipe the tears away, shake off whatever you’re thinking about, and you’ve got to be on your A game.
— Prince Harry

After stepping back as senior members of the royal family Harry discussed the familial tensions that occurred. His relationship with his father was particularly strained in which his father even stopped taking his calls because “there’s a lot of hurt that has happened.” He told Winfrey he believed there were many opportunities for the palace to "show some public support" in the face of continued racial abuse in the press, "yet no one from my family ever said anything. That hurts." He bravely admits he has a lot to work on in his relationship with his father. He mentions that he always love him and will continue to make it one of his priorities to heal that relationship despite the differences the two share.  Turning to his brother, Harry said he loves his brother but they are currently on different paths. He added that "the relationship is space at the moment," and that "time heals all things -- hopefully." Through this interview Harry authentically reveals the strains within the relationships with his loved ones and acknowledges how neither person is wrong, they just see things from different perspectives. Rather than blaming a specific person, he is able to see both sides of the story, demonstrating Harry’s honest morals and brave character.


During this memorable interview with Winfrey, Meghan spoke for the first time about how severe her mental health issues were. She admitted that living as a member of the royal family was so alienating and lonely. Feeling abandoned by the institution, she struggled with suicidal thoughts and severe depression. "I wasn't prepared for that," Harry said during the interview. "I went into a very dark place as well. I wanted to be there for her." He courageously admits he did not discuss the topic with his family. "That's just not a conversation that would be had," Harry said. "I guess I was ashamed of admitting it to them ... for the family, they very much have this mentality of: this is how it is." Harry has continued to speak out on his mental health and how he has been in counseling for the last three years to help him cope with the loss of his mother. Even as mental health is becoming more understood, strong stigmas persist, making people feel weak and marginalized, especially in Harry's native country, the United Kingdom. Harry, speaking openly about the struggle the couple went through, displays his true authenticity as he is part of the change towards dispelling false misconceptions about mental health.

Prince Harry exemplifies the epitome of courage and real emotional maturity: the capacity to be vulnerable, sincere, and transparent with yourself and others. Through his unfiltered thoughts, honesty, and outspoken feelings Prince Harry teaches us that a real man is determined by his willingness to be vulnerable and genuine, not by what he thinks he must hide due to society's unfair stereotypes and stigma against men.

Thank you, Prince Harry, for having the courage to be real, raw, and honest - representing true authenticity and vulnerability.

This article was originally published here.


Emotional Vulnerability is a Strength


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