Narcissistic abuse is an experience that shatters the foundation of who you are.

Many people underestimate the impact of long-term emotional abuse, which often leaves the person feeling ashamed, unseen, misunderstood, and not taken seriously. Emotional abuse is trauma and hearing things like "get over it," "just move on," or "don’t let them bother you" from others create an emotional disconnect and lack of safety for the victim. Narcissist abuse is difficult to explain to those who have not experienced it themselves, and therefore can leave you feeling desperate to be believed and profoundly alone.

A life-changing journey.

Healing from narcissistic abuse is a journey of courage, resilience, and self-compassion. Together, we will navigate your lived experiences, gaining the clarity, education, and tools needed to reclaim your truth, recover your voice, and embrace your power.

Emerging from the fog.

The confusion, isolation, and emotional overwhelm of being with a narcissist can leave you feeling paralyzed, allowing them to maintain control. But as you begin to emerge from the fog and seek clarity and validation for what you’ve endured, you’ll find yourself transformed in powerful ways. You’ll never be the same—and that’s a beautiful thing.

Discovering the truth.

Discovering the truth of what you survived means facing the painful reality that the person you trusted and thought loved you was actually causing you harm. Being in a relationship where your perception of reality was manipulated can be deeply disorienting, but understanding the extent of this deception is a vital step toward reclaiming your trust in yourself and your path to healing.

Becoming an expert.

Through education on the stages of narcissistic abuse—Idealization, Devaluation, and Discarding—you will gain valuable insight into how the abuser creates an illusion of perfect love, only to later devalue and discard you. Understanding this cycle and recognizing the signs of emotional abuse are essential steps in rebuilding your life.

Healing and growth.

Healing is the greatest act of self-love, and it involves processing traumatic events. My approach helps you release emotional pain, empowering you to move forward with renewed purpose and a fresh start. Processing trauma is a vital part of this journey, and TIR provides a safe path to eliminate triggers and symptoms of C-PTSD while regulating your nervous system.

Healing Trauma with TIR Therapy

The trauma of narcissistic abuse can lead to symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), including anxiety, depression, brain fog, isolation, substance abuse, chronic fatigue, sleep disturbances, shame, and hypervigilance. These symptoms are often linked to unresolved trauma. Trauma Incident Reduction (TIR) Therapy has been a highly effective method for healing trauma since the 1980s.

How It Works: TIR helps clients reduce the emotional intensity of trauma by repeatedly recalling specific incidents. Unlike traditional therapy, TIR sessions are not time-restricted, allowing clients to process at their own pace. I offer a supportive, non-judgmental space for clients to heal from narcissistic or other past traumas, facilitating deep and natural healing.

The Goal: The objective is "complete resolution" of traumatic incidents, meaning the client no longer experiences distress when recalling the trauma and is free from constant triggers and symptoms. The memories become emotionally neutral, allowing the individual to move forward unburdened by the past.

TIR is highly effective, providing significant emotional relief and cognitive shifts in a relatively short period.