Men Can Feel, Too


Be The 5: Kenny Mammarella-D’Cruz

Each month, we feature someone who has inspired us with their high level of Emotional Maturity, meaning they're “being the 5” and choosing not to take things personally, responding reactively or approaching the situation in a way that contributes to the problem.

Kenny Mammarella-D'Cruz, image courtesy of Facebook.

Kenny Mammarella-D'Cruz, image courtesy of Facebook.

This month, we are proud to feature Kenny Mammarella D’Cruz, a personal development consultant who helps men achieve their life, love, and professional goals. D'Cruz, dubbed "The Man Whisperer" by Newsweek, has been able to empower and help countless men undergo life-changing transformations. Kenny's remarkable life experience has led him from refugee camps to working with Mother Teresa and participating in dangerous sports all around the world, all while fighting OCD and mental health issues. He inspires men to change their lives and transform their businesses by sharing personal development, leadership, and marketing techniques. As a result of healing his own personal tragedies and insecurities, Kenny empowers men to be vulnerable and authentic as he works with his clients to see the beauty in life, comprehend their past traumas, and transform their futures. Below are the most memorable insights from Cruz’s empowering and transformative lines of work:


We should practice dropping our ‘nice guy’, ‘macho man’ or whatever masks we wear, as we talk openly and honestly about what’s up in our lives, at our own pace and in our own time.
— Kenny Mammarella D'Cruz

Kenny had a harrowing start as a 7-year-old in Uganda, when he was forced to flee from Uganda to England with his mother since his father was on Idi Amin, a Ugandan military officer’s, death list. Kenny escaped just in time, and after traveling the world and working in Calcutta with Mother Teresa, he went to London and became a fast-paced adrenaline addict engaging in thrilling and sensational sports. Kenny discovered he'd been living life as an immature boy trying to be a man for much of his life, ignoring his various illnesses and mental health concerns. He realized he needed to modify his mentality, so he turned within and, after a time of intensive self-inspection, was able to embrace and reconcile with his past traumas. Now through private sessions, men’s groups, and motivational podcasts Kenny works to dispel the myth that men shouldn't be vulnerable with their emotions, thoughts, and feelings. Cruz’s ability to encourage men to be emotionally and mentally strong is the true example of a New Man.


Kenny developed and founded the MenSpeak men's group, where men from all facets of society may come together to laugh, listen, and thrive as their true authentic selves. The MenSpeak idea is still expanding after more than 16 years, impacting and saving lives every day. In a podcast with Steve Lazarus, he mentions how for him “the difference between a man and a boy is a man includes the feminine side – listening, responding, receiving – rather than competing and reacting and surviving. It’s not about competition.”He has assisted numerous men in opening up and discussing their pain and sorrows in order to avoid repeating cycles of abuse or acting on suicide impulses. Meeting in groups or one-on-one, men of various circumstances, races, and classes discover concrete tools and guidance that assist them in transforming their lives. Kenny mentions how the men he mentors begin progressing, advancing, and succeeding quite quickly as they let go of societal constraints that once told them that men could not be in tune with their feelings and emotions. By allowing men to authentically speak up about their thoughts,  beliefs, and emotions Kenny is deconstructing societal constructs that repress men’s true authentic selves.


Kenny's art can be summarized in two words: "I am". He believes that by emerging from a position of profound self-awareness and contentment with oneself, we may step into our own strength and, in turn, empower others. People typically pretend to be someone they aren't, especially in the age of social media, yet being concerned about what others think stops us from being our true divine selves. This, he argues, may also be applied to business. “A person's business story is an expansion of their personal story and system of beliefs.” Many of Kenny's clientele are self-employed or small company entrepreneurs in a range of sectors who have been suffering mentally. Many men, he says, self-blame, feeling unable to address their issues as they fall into the trap of criticizing themselves or others. He teaches guys how to “experience their sensations but not be controlled by them," as well as how to "determine how to react."

Kenny Mammarella D'Cruz is the epitome of authenticity, fearlessness, and humility. Part of his success may be attributed to his rawness, grit, and ability to be honest, not just with himself but also with others. He is proactively eliminating the generational stigma against men's emotions, ideas, and sentiments by educating guys to speak from the heart and to be bold enough to go against societal conventions.

Thank you, Kenny Mammarella D’Crus, for having the courage to be real, raw, and honest - representing true authenticity and vulnerability.

This article was originally published here.


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